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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Saturday, January 31, 2009 11:04 AM
A little bit of everything

Hello readers,
I'm feeling really great today beacuse the misery has ended on Thursday, 29th January. =))
A-level results were out on that day as I expected and as I didn't expected I got 3 A levels. Thank god for that! Hehe.
I'm absolutely happy, thankful brabis with the results I got. Eventhough inda sebrapa kn result ku atu but still, aku bersyukur~ Alhamdulillah.

To Piunks & Chicas, congratulations. =))
Finally, we got through it sudah. I mean the A levels ba && we are going to go for the next level plang lagi ne. Our future~~
Hopefully, we'll do our best nanti to achieve even more. =D

Anyhoo, on Thursday, I got to meet my bestfriend yang ku rindu selama ane kan.. Haha. Me, Zaty and her boyfriend hang out di Easyway after we got our results.
Unfortunately, my boyfriend can't join us due to some reasons.. So, nath jadi double date. Haha. =D

oh oh, AC Galanight is on tonight. I can't wait!! =))
Till next time.

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Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:28 PM

Hello everybody.
Nothing much about yesterday. Haha. I feel bored right now, the telephone line K.O so I can't surf the net using PC. Kacau ehh. So, I'm using my phone right now blogging.. Whee~~ =D

oh oh, for your information, ada orang jual laptop Acer for $600. No bluetooth plg tu, but it's cheap.. Baiktah di bali~ HAHA. *wink2 to my boyfriend*

Hmm, these past few days I've been working on my personal statement and somehow I feel like giving it up pasalnya payah sangat ah. I managed to do one paragraph sudah and atu pun macam essay yang childish. Perhaps I'll just wait and see my results then baru sambung lagi membuat.

Currently, ada this thing came to my mind and I feel kan membuat request arah this someone but I'm not brave enough to do so. So, I guess tertangguh tah hajat di hati ane. Haha. Apakann. Lame eh =D

okay, I guess that's for today.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009 2:34 PM
Another small update.

A good day, people. =))

1st, my boyfriend already decided to come to the prom night. I'm really happy for that. =D

2nd, I bought the prom night ticket sudah tadiiii. Hehe.

3rd, a little bird told me not to tell him that he told this person that he was...because he didn't want... Hehe. Ada tah tu. Yang penting, I know a lil' dirty secret. Inda plang dirty.. HAHA. Yang the main thing is this secret made me smile bnar2 because ia melibatkn aku. Haha. Apakann..

4th, I feel terribly loved by him. =))

5th, I'm still scared pasal A-level results ah. Aku dapat rasa macam keluar besuk ah.

6th, to chicas.. I miss kamu.. Lagi. Haha. Especially si Ayen.. To Zurah, nanti we hang out sama2. Tunggu dorang2 free, keh? Lagipun Yan plan kan swimming and Ayen plan kan go sushi-ing next month. Aku plan kan fishing and makan ambuyat. Sapa mau join?? Hehe.

7th, Zaty called me tadi. & aku rindu ia jua. Macam lama dah kan na jumpa bestfriend ku sorang ane. Huhu. Don't forget this 31st at 6pm, girl.

8th, to piunkz. Let's start to hang around nanti. Just the 4 of us. Hehe. We need to update2 jua kann.. I miss you three lots2.

9th, aku mau bali dress for the prom night. =(( BUT I have no cash at all. *sigh* kan meloan bank ku ne krg.. HAHA.

10th, I love him him him. =D

okay, bye2 people.

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8:23 AM
Straight to my heart <3

For him...

He looks at me in the most amazing ways.
His smile can light up the whole room.
Everything he does grabs my attention.
And I love him dearly not to mention.
He makes me laugh more than anyone.
Always ready to catch me when I fall.
He leaves me completely breathless,
He does everything perfect, always the best.
He is impossibly brave, and charming indeed.
Sent from the heavens, sent straight to me.
What have I done to deserve him I'm not sure.
But he leaves me halfway to heaven wanting more.
He takes my pain and changes everything.
The way he holds me is indescribable.
He doesn't even know half of how much he means.
And when I'm sick he's the perfect vaccine.
He has grown on me, making it maddening.
He's unbelievably addicting, my drug for sure.
He's an original piece of art.
Who's found the way, straight to my heart!
P.S. I love you...

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7:41 AM
Just a small updates

I'm sick. =(( I've been having this headache for three days sudah & I already ate Panadols but alum jua baiknya. To add more, my body aches. huhu~ I hope I won't be like this till the AC Galanight.

Speaking of the AC Galanight, it will be held thic 31st January 2009. I'm not ready for it and I'm not that really excited about it anymore because I can feel something not good is going to happen.

Something not good going to happen, heh? Yes.. I'm referring to the A-level results which will be out soon. To be honest, I'm really scared but somehow, I want to end this misery while waiting for it!

About the interview.. Well, the lady in charge was on leave so me and Yanee didn't get the chance to be interviewed. BUT.. We had a computer test typing things arah Microsoft Excel. && we only typed for 8 minutes. Slow kah tu? Anyhoo, there were many people applying for the position, so I guess kami nada chance langsung. Boohoo~

7th February.. The Prom night! And the tickets are available sudah since yesterday. I decided to come. But there's butssss.. Haha. I want to bring my boyfriend along and he still haven't decide whether to come or not. Plus, I want to let the results out first pasalnya aku takut kna grounded oleh my parents. =S For your info, the ticket for the prom costs for $20 for singles and couples for $35 only. oh by the way.. I need to dress hunt for real for the prom night. =D

I made muffins yesterday.. but inda menjadi. HAHA. It turned out to be a fiasco. My mum was really mad because I used almost her baking stuff sampai habis. HAHA. *Sorry, mum*

I started to miss this boyfriend of mine... i know, macam almost everyday kan aku rindu ia. But ntah ah.. I guess this is what you call LOVE. =)) Love, if you are reading this.. Awuu, I miss you sangat2. HAHA. I want to meet you A.S.A.P. =((

I'm currently broke. My wallets are empty. So, chicas... Lau kan bawa jalan, I don't think I'll ikut. hehe..

Oh yeah! I'm selling my Nokia 6600 masa ne. Siapa yang desperate sngat mau hp, bli tah. The stuffs are complete ie headset, charger, kutaknya (HAHA. OUT!) && leather casenya. To Jidun, bali tia... haha..

I guess that's it. Small updates, huh?

Adios people~ =))

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:26 AM
Chicas outing?

Izyan, Fifah & I went to the mall yesterday. We watched 'inkheart' and the movie, to me was a good movie ranked 4 out of 5 laa. Hee~ And we had our lunch arah this thailand restaurant called Bucha Nann. *Lurus kah inda tu ejaannya ah* =D

We also played DDR, the drum thingy, basketball & race car? && Izyan, I owed you lots tuu ah. Baik tah di ingati ne. HAHA.

Yanee came late (as usual) pasalnya ia kan jalan2 dengan siblingsnya dulu. Hehe.

I have an interview to attend later & I'm going with Yanee. Wish us luck~
Adios, people! =D

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8:19 AM
Sunday, much loves!

I'm soo happy. Yes. Veryyyy! HAHA.
I went jogging with my boyfriend last Sunday & yeah, he made his promise. =))
Honestly to say, I was not fit & I got tired after half a round jogging. HAHA. -__-"
Maybe I should start thinking how to be fit this year. *sigh*

Oh well, I really had fun with him && I love him so much.
Thanks for everything, my love!

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8:07 AM
Tagged by Ella & Dynz =))

To receive this award you must:
1.Copy badge "2008 Cute's 3logger Award" and paste it in your blog.

2.Link/write about the person who present this award to you.
- I'm so lazy ah. so aku link saja ah, Ella? hehe.
3.Every blogger must state 10 facts/hobby about themselves before choosing the next award-receiver.
  • I love taking pictures.. Of myself. =D
  • I'm addicted to rock songs since last year.
  • I love blogging.
  • DDR freak.
  • Aku rindu si Jesu. HAHA.
  • I'm in love with Muhammad Azime Hj Ahmad.
  • I don't watch TV. Kesiian ah?
  • I have a collection of photos of hot guys arah pintu almari ku. =D
  • I'm a shoe lover.
  • Fragile.
4.You must choose 10 next award-receiver and state their name in you blog.
-Fatin & the others. Hehe.
5.Don't forget to visit your friend's blog and tell them that they have been tagged.
- Okay. Krg2tah. hehe

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7:35 AM

Tagged by Ayen

1) When do you want to get married?
- When I'm ready enough. And the future husband pun mesti ready2 jua. =D

2) What do you want the most now?
- His love. =))

3) Who is the person you trust the most?-
- Err.. aku pun inda tahu siapa ku trust bnrnya. hee

4) Do you think you have enough confidence?
- Langsung inda. aku ane yang low self esteem kan ada confidence? HAHA.

5) If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- Happy endings?

6) Do yo believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
- Awu laa..

7) What are you afraid to lose right now?
- Sii Dia, my family, piunks, chicas & them friends.

8) Do you believe in eternal love?
- I have no idea.

9) If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her?
- Definitely yes! && I already met that someone =))

10) list out 3 good points of the person who tagged you...
- Funny, pretty & pandai =D

11) What are the requirements do you wish from the other half?
- Hmm, nada. Aku bsyukur dah ne pa yang ku dapat. =))

12) What type of person you hate the most?
- orang yang tidak menepati janji. haha.

13) Do you cherish every friendship of yours?
- Yeap.

14) What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Like Ayen said 'eternal happiness' =D

15) Do you find the needs to have a boyfriend?
- HAHA. No comment. Well, I need HIM sorang saja la. YAng other guys, inda mahu.

16) At this point in time, would you rather be a heartbreaker or heartbroken?
- neither both. Cukuptah semua atu dulu2.

17) What kind of friend do you want to be in your friend's eye?
- Loyal.

18) Describe the person who tagged you in 6 words..
- Waa, bnyk ne kan ddescribe. I can write an essay about her ne alang2. haha

19) the place you wanted to go most with your loved ones?
- Moon =D labeh2 si Dina ane aa -__-"

20) The people you wanna tag with this.
- Nazurah, Fatin, Dynz & everyone yang minta tag. haha

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Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:44 AM

23rd of January, I wont't forget what had happened.

It was really mean & sort of like hell.

Rumah ku tutup karan ah -__-"



Due to my kekusutan, My dear parents brought me and my siblings out from the house.

We went to Gadong, Batu Bersurat & Beribi and disana pun blackout ah. Haiyaa~

Gadong was really sunyi & that's weird pasalnya jarang kan Gadong atu kan sunyi. Hehe.

Last2, we have no idea kan kemana, we just stay in the car having the car engine running and and air cond on! =D

Anyhoo, after spending a few minutes dalam krita cematu atu, my dad bawa ke Kiulap & yes, di sana inda blackout. Thank god! Unfortunately, lots of people went there for shopping especially the chinese since inda lagi btah kan chinese new year kann..
At night, the whole kampung Rimba was still in blackouts. So, we went to my grandparents' house till 10pm. After 10pm, Rimba still tutup karan. *sigh* sudahtah tutup karan ah, I just knew AC Galanight kna postponed ah. *shoot!!*
To be honest, I was really mental. Haha.. sekadar~~
By 1am, barutah the eletricity ada. huhu~ I wonder if the galanight would be on tonight? I hope, it's still on pasalnya kan.. I've been waiting for it wa.. & I know, my girl-friends pun cematu jua. kan, girls? hehs =D
Oh well, yesterday was a disaster & today is... =))


Adios people!

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8:19 AM
Last Thursday

Hello people =))
Last Thursday, Me and Fifah went to ITB. I would never forget how it felt when both of us first time masuk ke sana. We were both bangang & inda tahu where the exhibiton was. It was very embarassing but thank god, I met this friend of mine who didn't wave back at me when I waved to him, and he showed us di mana the exhibiton was.

Soo, yeah. We finally found the exhibition. But...
It was really unexpected. It was more or less an exhibition where people came kan apply or cari kraja. HAHA. I thought it was like mcm 'ITB open day' where you get to know apa saja course yang ada di sana -__-"

We spent almost an hour jalan2 saja & last2 we went to this 'ITB information booth'.
Guess what? Kami aga tmpat bahagian business department. Me in Business?? out ehh.
Anyway, the tutor yang 'entertain' us was nice and I can't help it. I kept on looking at his janggut yang panjang and bdye ah!! HAHA. Silly me~

After kesana, we went back ke ground floor. And.. Something really unexpected lagi happened. =))
I met my unexpected boyfriend unexpectedly di tempat yang langsung tak di expect. Haha. Seriously, I was really happy and over excited when I saw him. =)) *I miss you, Zime*

&& also we met Tuty Wahidah, Hadee & his friends, Raihan & his friend, Mr. F jua yang ambong ah, Izzati & Yadiy. =))

I wonder...

It feels like macam ada someone kan yang missing in this picture to complete Piunks. =P

I guess that's all about my Thursday.

Adios! =))

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Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:10 AM
Early in the morning

I made biscuits today! =D

Here' the photos...

Tadaaa~ That's Chocolate Hazelnut Biscuits. =))

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9:51 AM
Today's word

It's so heartbreaking & I still feel guilty.


so here I am trying to apologize (for the 50th times kali sudah...)

It's hard to explain. But straight to the point, i don't want sii Z bukan nama sebenar yang jadi the first one who will lay his eyes on me, since he will be the one yang arah main door and jadi "Mr. Click Click" Haha. Apakan sii Deena ane -__-"


I promise will not be that over demanding again. I swear &..

Pinky promise =D

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:48 AM

To the Chicas...

Aku book kamu nanti ah when this movie kna release sudah =))

I know the pics are all so small to look at. Lols.

Anyway, it's part of the scene from the "Confession Of The Shopaholics"

So, cana? Mau ahh =D

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8:41 AM
Just a simple note.

To Yanee, Fifah, Diana & the other girls who are jobless (including me)

I went to Giant yesterday and I saw a big advertisement at the Blackqueen shop.
It says...
so you girls interested? HAHA.
Well I am.. A bit lah.. But ntah ah.. Lols!
I just want to inform you guys mana la tau kamu mau. kan kan? =D

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:00 AM

Every girls' dream before going to a galanight

Actually, my dream sorang plang tu. HAHA. I wonder if the other girls want what I want. Hmm~

1st & foremost, ofcourse. A dress it is.
Awu, I know. A yellow dress jua ku post. Entah kenapa kah ya aku suka bnar dgn yellow dress. Cubatah Sii Aelyf atu allow us to wear yellow ah. Aku pakai yellow dress tu ah, lyf? =D HAHA! majal~

Then get the hair done

don't forget the accesories.

Plus a handbag clutch! I wish I have one =D

last but not least, a pair of shoe that match my dress & gives confident and the great feeling wearing it. I want Fabiano Ricco's, people.

However, due to this.

Poket kusung yoooo, so dream is just a dream. So, sesiapun saja Dina uii..

&& there's one more thing...

Like Ayen said "kan bagus lau aku blawa2 atu kan, Si Merul melihat ah. Ani macam aku pakai dress atu tapi ia nada,"

Yes, Ayen I agree you so much. Aku pun mau jua, not that I want Merul lihat aku pakai dress apa. HAHA. What I meant is I want sii Chi-me ku atu kan melihat sendiri with his bare own eyes. =D Yes, very sedih ne & this a very serious matter where it does need no money.

Sooo, my love. If you are reading this.. haha. actually nda plang da papa. I just wish you could be there but inda dapat kan since outsiders are not allowed. Haiyaa~ Jadi my escort ja, cana? *wink2* Haha. I know, I'm a very demanding type of girl. Oh well, what can I say~ =D Bah, cana? Jadi escort saja, jaditahhh. *majal*
Nda apalah mun inda dapat. Huhu~ Because eventhough you are not there, I still have you here in my heart. *grins*

So that's it. I'm out from here, people. Adios~ =))

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Monday, January 19, 2009 4:56 PM

I just got back home from the Mall, Gadong. Actually before I went there, Yanee, Fifah and I went to school kan bayar $20 for the AC Galanight ah. && I met si boyfriend tadi sekajap. Guess what? I started to miss him lagii and really deep deep. HAHA. Apakann tuu~ Anyhoo, jumpa sekajap jaa.. Jaditah dari nada~ *Inda plang ku puas tu =P*

So, from school kami off tarus to the Mall.

And we did some window shopping...

Our model of the day =))

Then we met Mel, Fils & Ezad.

Here comes the serious part. The lower sixth came and kami gather at the lobby of Rizqun. Buat meeting di sana about our Galanight & jumpa the manager di sana.

Oh well.. That's it for today~

Saya had fun and still merindu si Dia =(( Adios!

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

Blog Counters,

To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.