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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:09 AM
PTE Katok

Hello people.
I went to PTE Katok with Yanee masa hari Khamis because ada AC meeting di sana. A new AC was established di sana, so the HOD were required to brief and explained stuffs about the AC club in PTEB.
Yanee came to my house at 2.30pm (She said she's gonna come before 2.30pm. but in the end, she was late. Again =P. You know Yanee.... HAHA!) and together we went off to Katok. we spent almost more than half an hour trying to find the school and we tried contacting Filah & Fai tapi drg bgi information yang inda berapa clear. so yeah. We were lost in the middle of nowhere. haha. in the middle of Katok bah.
Si Fai said you have to pass the roundabout at Beribi and the police headquarters and and not forget to mention kadai nasi kandar. Very precise~ tapinya ia nda gtau start from where to where. Haiyaa~
Yanee almost gave up menyamal inda mahu datang. kan, Yanee? haha.
In the end, We called Filah again & for god sake, she told us the right way to find the school. Hee~
Around 3++, we arrived at PTE Katok. Janji datang before 2.30pm, tau2 datang sana aher berabis. haha. && FYI, the school is soooo big and lawa. Me and Yanee berabis sakai ane wah, kami mcm ckp "lawa" balik2. HAHA. To Fifah, rugi kau yo sal inda meliat skulah ah && oh btw, I met si Saufan di sana. huhu~
Soo, enough said. Here's some of the photos on that day. =D

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Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:08 AM
One year ago...

Dear bloggie,
it was exactly one year ago I met this amazing man whom I'm madly deeply in love right now. It was the 25th February 2008 and today is the 26th, so obviously it is one year sudah. =D
Oh oh, I just remembered that I wrote this really cawir poem last year. I suck in writing poems eventhough I'm a poem junkie. Anyhoo, I just don't care lah. && poem ane inda plang rhyme langsung. HAHA.

Once upon a time,
a boy came up,
and took my breath away.
He got my attention
with just one act.

I can't resist the attraction,
the attraction to know him better.
However, I saw him with a girl
whom I got mistaken for his girlfriend.

Decisions made,
I gave up.
Until one day,
hope relights back.

I've tried so hard
and soo many things,
even becoming a stalker
just to dig out infos about him.

The first time I knew his name
I got all excited.
I can't believe
knowing just a single thing about him
can make me over reacted.

Then one day,
I finally found a way,
a way to reach him in closure,
a chance to know him better.

I didn't give up
eventho' I knew he got someone else in mind.
I continued to fight those negative thoughts
which signalled me to stop.

I was really broken hearted
to know the fact
that he loves someone else
but I just can't give up yet.
I was too determined
to get him.

Days and days,
I became so addicted to this boy.
I don't know how he did it,
but he managed to open this heart.

One day,
we decided to meet up
I was really nervous
because it was my very 1st time
to meet him one on one.

But the uneasy feeling vanished
all in a sudden,
at the moment he came.

He sat next to me and
apologized for being late.
For god sake,
he has the perfect voice
which can melts me down.

He was so attractive,
in a kind of way.
With the way he talks
and the way he smiles
was sooo "WOW'

It was comfy
when he was around.
No words can describe
how wonderful the aonderful moment was.

We continued meeting each other
another day and so the next week.
until one day,
the time which I've been waiting for came.
He proposed me
and guess what?
I said YES!

Thank you god
It was worth it,
for the patience in waiting.
I've finally found the man of my dreams,
Him, Muhammad Azime HA. =))

Okay, i know... soo lame & sick. HAHA. Udah ku cakap ah, I suck. =D
By the way, I cut something from the poem because I don't think it is worth it to mention the date of that event... Apakan~ oh well...

And so...
it was a year ago,
how I met this man,
the man of my dreams =))

P.S. I'm sorry for being so lame.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 1:40 PM
Copy Paste from Dynz's blog

1] Orang yang mencintai kamu tidak pernah mampu memberikan alasan kenapa dia mencintai kamu. Yang dia tahu di hati dan matanya hanya ada kamu satu-satunya.

2] Walaupun kamu sudah memiliki teman istimewa atau kekasih, dia tidak perduli! Baginya yang penting kamu bahagia dan kamu tetap menjadi impiannya.

3] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu menerima kamu apa adanya, di hati dan matanya kamu selalu yang tercantik walaupun mungkin kamu merasa berat badan kamu sudah bertambah.

4] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin tahu tentang apa saja yang kamu lalui sepanjang hari ini, dia ingin tahu kegiatan kamu.

5] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan mengirimkan SMS seperti 'selamat pagi','selamat hari minggu', 'selamat tidur', 'take care', dan lain-lain lagi, walaupun kamu tidak membalas SMS-nya, kerana dengan kiriman SMS itu lah dia menyatakan cintanya, menyatakan dalam cara yang berbeza, bukan 'aku CINTA padamu', tapi berselindung ayat selain kata cinta itu.

6] Jika kamu menyambut hari jadi dan kamu tidak mengundangnya ke majlis yang kamu adakan, setidak-tidaknya dia akan menelefon untuk mengucapkan selamat atau mengirim SMS.

7] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan selalu mengingat setiap kejadian yang dia lalui bersama kamu, bahkan mungkin kejadian yang kamu sendiri sudah melupakannya, kerana saat itu ialah sesuatu yang berharga untuknya, dan saat itu matanya pasti berkaca kerana saat bersamamu itu tidak boleh berulang selalu.

8] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu mengingati setiap kata-kata yang kamu ucapkan, bahkan mungkin kata-kata yang kamu sendiri lupa pernah mengungkapkannya. kerana dia menyematkan kata-katamu di hatinya, berapa banyak kata-kata penuh harapan yang kau tuturkan padanya, dan akhirnya kau musnahkan? pasti kamu lupa, tetapi bukan orang yang mencintai kamu.

9] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan belajar menggemari lagu-lagu kegemaran kamu, bahkan mungkin meminjam CD milik kamu, kerana dia ingin tahu apa kegemaran kamu - kesukaan kamu kesukaannya juga, walaupun sukar meminati kesukaan kamu, tapi akhirnya dia berjaya.

10] Kalau kali terakhir kalian bertemu kamu mungkin sedang selsema atau batuk-batuk, dia akan sentiasa mengirim SMS atau menelefon untuk bertanya keadaan kamu - kerana dia bimbangkan tentang kamu, peduli tentang kamu.

11] Jika kamu mengatakan akan menghadapi ujian, dia akan menanyakan bila ujian itu berlangsung, dan saat harinya tiba dia akan mengirimkan SMS 'good luck' untuk memberi semangat kepada kamu.

12] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan memberikan suatu barang miliknya yang mungkin buat kamu itu ialah sesuatu yang biasa, tetapi baginya barang itu sangat istimewa.

13] Orang yang mencintai kamu akan terdiam sesaat, ketika sedang bercakap di telefon dengan kamu, sehingga kamu menjadi bingung. Sebenarnya saat itu dia merasa sangat gugup kerana kamu telah menggegarkan dunianya.

14] Orang yang mencintai kamu selalu ingin berada di dekat kamu dan ingin menghabiskan hari-harinya hanya dengan kamu.

15] Jika suatu saat kamu harus pindah ke daerah lain, dia akan sentiasa memberikan nasihat agar kamu waspada dengan persekitaran yang boleh membawa pengaruh buruk kepada kamu dan jauh di hatinya dia benar-benar takut kehilangan kamu, pernah dengar 'jauh dimata, jauh dihati?'

16] Orang yang mencintai kamu bertindak lebih seperti saudara daripada seperti seorang kekasih.

17] Orang yang mencintai kamu sering melakukan hal-hal yang SENGAL seperti menelefon kamu 100 kali dalam masa sehari. Atau mengejutkan kamu di tengah malam dengan mengirim SMS. Sebenarnya ketika itu dia sedang memikirkan kamu.

18] Orang yang mencintai kamu kadang-kadang merindukan kamu dan melakukan hal-hal yang membuat kamu pening kepala. Namun ketika kamu mengatakan tindakannya itu membuat kamu terganggu dia akan minta maaf dan tak akan melakukannya lagi.

19] Jika kamu memintanya untuk mengajarimu sesuatu maka ia akan mengajarimu dgn sabar walaupun kamu mungkin orang yang terbodoh di dunia! bahkan dia begitu gembira kerana dapat membantu kamu. Dia tidak pernah mengelak dari menunaikan permintaan kamu walau sesukar mana permintaan mu.

20] Kalau kamu melihat handphone-nya maka nama kamu akan menghiasi sebahagian besar INBOX-nya. Dia masih menyimpan SMS-SMS dari kamu walaupun ia kamu kirim berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun yang lalu. Dia juga menyimpan surat-surat kamu di tempat khas dan segala pemberian kamu menjadi benda-benda berharga buatnya.

21] Dan jika kamu cuba menjauhkan diri daripadanya atau memberi reaksi menolaknya, dia akan menyedarinya dan menghilang dari kehidupan kamu, walaupun hal itu membunuh hatinya.

22] Jika suatu saat kamu merindukannya dan ingin memberinya kesempatan dia akan ada menunggu kamu kerana sebenarnya dia tak pernah mencari orang lain. Dia sentiasa menunggu kamu.

23] Orang yang begitu mencintaimu, tidak pernah memaksa kamu memberinya sebab dan alasan, walaupun hatinya meronta ingin mengetahui, kerana dia tidak mahu kamu terbeban dengan karenahnya, saat kau pinta dia berlalu, dia pergi tanpa menyalahkan kamu, kerana dia benar-benar mengerti apa itu cinta.

Ok check check all!
1] Yesy yes, I feel you are the one =))
2] Haha. If he was to be with another girl, I would be drop dead by then nangis2 siang & malam. =D
3] He said he gain weight recently. To me mcm nadaa saja. He look perfectly okay to me. =D
4] That's right! Saya agree =)) p kann karang kana ucap busybody saja ah. haha
5] used to do this stuff. but ntah ah.. msane pakai msn saja. kan kan, my love? =D
6] what do you think?
7] yes. that's right...
8] hee... Baiktah di ingati before it's too late. =))
9] Awuu.. I totally agree with this! && macam sampai masa ne dah kan ku ter addicted with his fav. band.
10] He did this to me. Suweet~
11] & I did this to him.
12] No comment. =D
13] Haha. We never phone2 or call2 bah.
14] My love, I wish I can be with you everyday. haha. Macam desperate saja bunyinya eh.
15] Bowh. macam labih2 tu jauh dmata, jauh dhati ah. lols! I trust him, so have no worries lah. I always love him.
16] inda ku tahu eh. hehe. you tell me =D
17] haha. pernah ka, hby? mc2 saja kan?=D
18] I miss him every single day but I keep it to myself saja. Sanak ia karang mun ku gtau' I miss you' everyday. haaha.
19] =))
20] I do this. hehe. Keep the things he gave in one place && msgnya arah one folder.
21] Gone from his life? Pernah~ haha, Si Jidun punya pasal. hahaha. Ingat kau, Jidun?
22] Baby, I'll wait for you~ hehe
23] Macam tau2 saja eh. lols!

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8:27 AM
Just another day...

I went to school with Yanee, Fifah & Jidun last saturday =))

&& last2 we went home and si Jidun hantar kami. Whee~

Driver of the day =D

To Jidun, thanks for the roller-coaster ride yo! HAHA.

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Thursday, February 19, 2009 8:12 AM
18th February...

Happy 14th birthday, sister!

The bf is sweet. Ia bagi this 'me to you' to her.

sweet giler~~ Arif, you sure know how to take my sis's heart. HAHA. =D

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009 7:42 AM
Appreciation Dinner @ ICC

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Monday, February 16, 2009 7:21 AM
I'm back

Hello people. Yes, I'm back and I'm soo ready to blog.
The past few days, I've been spending my time doing volunteer work at the ICC for the BITC Exhibition.
I really had a great time despite duit ku kna curi & working for more than 12hours bnr2 mmbuat org ngaleh. =))
So, here's the photos...

1st day / 12th February 2009

I want this panda so bad.. Tapi.. kna ambil sudah! =((

2nd day / 13th February 2009

3rd day / 14th February 2009

Last day / 15th February 2009

Soooo.. Today.. I'm back to being jobless again. Boohoo~ Starting this month, I'm so going to find a job. I need money after what had happened few days ago atu kann.. Broke ku sudah baa =(( hehe.

Okay then. Adios~ =D

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:01 AM
Lessons from The Gift

What i learnt from the book called The Gift are...

'Appreciating your loved ones. Acknowledging all the special people in your life. concentrating on what's important'

'Time is more precious than gold, more precious than diamonds, more precious than oil or any valuable treasures. It is time that we do not have enough of it; it is time that causes the war within our hearts, and so we must spent it wisely. Time cannot be packaged and ribboned and left under trees for Christmas morning. Time can't be given. But it can be shared'

So I guess it's never too late to fix things with our special person before... you know you know~ =D

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009 8:18 AM

  1. I signed up for the volunteer thingy for BITC Exhibiton starting this 12th February 09. so, I guess I'll be busy busy saja tah ne. Oh oh, please do come to the exhibiton which will be held a the ICC. There'll lots of super fun games and activities which you probably wouldn't want to miss.
  2. I seriously need a job right now. I need money! HAHA.
  3. I'm bored at home. Awu, now I'm giving up. Macam nyasal ku jua kan branti kaja ah. hee~
  4. Aku mau liat Pink Panther 2 =((

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Monday, February 9, 2009 8:59 AM
Tagged ny Tyntyn

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers in their blog.
B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz.
C) Continue this game by tagging 8 other people.

1.What have you been doing recently?
- uploading new pictures arah friendster & watched "I think I love my wife"

2.Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- Yes! Definitely masa aku bnr2 sasak & time battery habis kann.. =D

3.What happened at 10am today?
- Ane masih pukul 9 am ah. I think aku predict at 1o am, I'll be bored to death. Haha.

4.When did you last cry?
- This morning. I really need somenone to talk about this 'something' tapi ntah ah. Huhu.

5.Believe in fate/destiny?
- No idea. still in doubt.

6.What do you want in your life now?
- Happiness forever & ever which is so impossible to get. sigh!

7.Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood?
- I carry my own umbrella~ Kata orang 'sediakan payung sebelum hujan' manda 'pakailah hood sebelum hujan' HAHA. =D

8.What's your favorite thing to do on the bed?
- snuggle under the blanket.

9.What bottoms are you wearing now?
- short pants.

10.What's the nicest things in your inbox?
- his messages. =))

11.Do you tend to make the relationship complicated?
- haha. nada ku mau.

12.Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone?
- Jap ah. Aku check jap. HAHA. Of course lah inda.

13.What was the last movie you saw?
-Underworld 3 on 1st February. Sweet memories~ =))

14.What are you proud of?
-*still thinking about that*

15.What does the oldest text msg in your inbox say?
- the oldest? Hmm... Fifah punya msg about the prom.

16.What was the last song you sang out loud?
- Insomnia. Gawd, the song is stuck in my head. haha.

17.Do you have any nicknames?
- Dinah by Mr. G & my dad's family, Deena by my friends, Dee by the guys who doesn't know me that well, Kaka by my siblings, Dina by my family, Izzati & my love.

18.What does the newest text say?
- It says like this, "Dina, Gmabr passport mua tu gmbar mu inda btudung. Cana tu? cuci tia?" =D

19.What time did you go to bed last night?
- around 11.30 p.m.

20.Are you currently happy?
- Very happy! and it's all because of him =))

21.Who gives you the best advise?
- Nobody.

22.Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?-
- Err..

23.Who did you talk on the phone last night?
- nada orang phone aku. Kesian ah. hahaha

24.Is something bugging you now?
- yes. I gotta make a decision right about something which bugs me. haha.

25.Who was the last person to make you laugh?
- Azime ku when he did the indian slash bolywood dance. lols! =D

Therefore now I'm tagging.....
& the other people yang minta kna tagged!

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8:10 AM
The Night

The prom night was awesome despite I was sick at that night, the food was dissapointing and the prom awards was totally not fair. Anyhoo, I did enjoy the party because it was fun and the person whom I always wanted to be there was there. Hehe. Oh oh by the way, I danced!
Yes, very unbelievable. HAHA. I danced with my boyfriend at the dance floor and it was really seuk! =D

To Ayen, Fifah, Yanee, Nazurah & Izyan...
Sorry, aku inda byk ambil gambar on that night. I just took pictures of me and my love. Faham2 saja ah. Hehe =D

I would like to say THANKS to:
Izyan & Fifah, for the dress you borrowed to me =)) I owe you guys a lot!
Izzati, for the medicine you gave me.
My beloved boyfriend, for being there when I was terribly sick && for making me happy. I love you much much more today. Oh, goodluck for your assesment jua. Hee. =))

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

Blog Counters,

To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.