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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Monday, March 23, 2009 9:20 AM
In joy and sorrow

I finally know how it feels like missing someone very very very really really really much. It's not that I never miss someone before. It's just that this time this feeling is hard to describe, so unbearable, so hard to cope with. I miss him so much, seriously! My first night without him was like crazy kan. I didn't sleep because I can't sleep. It's like the song 'Imsomnia' by Craig David where he can't sleep till the girl is next to him. so, yeah! That's what I suffered masa malam atu. I tried stuff like counting sheep (HAHA!), listen to soft music, baca buku, angan2 but nothing worked for me. I was really tired but my eyes langsung inda mahu tidur. Barutah pernah ne aku inda dapat tidur without even drinking coffee. =S Plus, I didn't have the appetite to eat. Rindu bnr jua udah ku tu yoo..

What I did to spend the sleepless night was watching supernatural balik2 sampai 6am the next day where my mum asked for my help to bake muffins for the function krg ptgnya. We had this ceremony time ptg where my aunt is going to be engaged with this unknown guy. Finally, I get to gather with all my cousins and the families masa atu. We prepared stuff, cooked, bising2, emusi2 together. haha. At least, I got something to distract me from thinking bout my feelings.

The ceremony started at 2.30pm, but the people from "Unknown" guy's side was very late. sasak ku plg. I was really exhausted after buat smua kraja atu and lgsg inda btdur dmlmnya atu kan && I didn't eat lagi. -__- Yang pentingnya, kan kepisan laa ku. Haha. Anyway, I was wearing a white baju kurung and people thought that I was the one yang kna tunangkan. =__= Panat kaliii... Me? Engaged???? HAHA. No way! Tunggu tah dalam spuluh tahun akan dtg kali, brutah aku mau. Wait wait. Sepuluh tahun akan dtg? Now, I'm 18/19. Plus, sepuluh tahun, I'll be 28/29 years old. Wow, tua bnr sudah tu aku kn engaged ah. =D Haha. oh god, why am I thinking bout this thing anyway? hehe.

The ceremony ended by 4pm kali. I'm not sure. I didn't get the chance kan take a look on my watch. I just don't care bout the time msane. I just want it to flow dgn laju without me realizing it. I wished today will be Tuesday pasalnya by Tuesday, my darling is going to be back & I can't wait for that. =)) Okay2, back to my story... After the majlis, we the families were busy cleaning up the stuff and whatsoeva. By 7pm, we all went home. Gawd, it was really been a busy day and aku bnr2 exhausted sudah. -__- At night, I went online. My life is pretty sunyi and boring without him. Ada this friend of mine texted me and tanya whether I'm okay or inda. I spilled everything laa rahnya. This friend cakap something laa, but I'm okay. Whatever laa.. I just don't care. My darling is different and not all guys are the same. I trust him so I'm sure he has a good reason for not doing stuff like you did to your girlfriend. I'm not letting negative thoughts to take ove me, so shoo shoo. Plus, sii boyfriend told me to think positive while he's away. so that's what I'm going to do. Think positive! =))
Oh oh by the way, the Aulait cafe langsung nada call aku & Fifah. I feel like giving up waiting for them to call up. Tapinya, si Fifah cakap it's better for us not to give up till today. Kalau today dorang langsung nada call jua, we'll take actions. Kami kan sabotage pintu slidingnya ah, kami kan cat and spray graffiti nanti. Kan, Fah? HAHA. Nada waa.. =D What we'll do is call up the cafe and ask whether they are still planning to hire us up or inda. If yes, we'll wait. If no, we'll find other jobs to do && it's their lost for not hiring this semangat-bnar-sudah-kan-bkraja-disana people. =P

I guess that's all for today. I'll upload some pictures after this, alright?
Goodbye & Assalamualaikum, everibodih.

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9:01 AM
Gotta be somebody

This song really rocks!

"Gotta Be Somebody"

This time, I wonder what it feels like
To find the one in this life, the one we all dream of
But dreams just aren't enough
So I'll be waiting for the real thing, I'll know it by the feeling
The moment when we're meeting, will play out like a scene
Straight off the silver screen
So I'll be holding my breath, right up 'til the end
Until that moment when, I find the one that I'll spend forever with

Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

Tonight, out on the street, out in the moonlight
And dammit this feels too right, it's just like déja vu
Me standing here with you
So I'll be holding my breath, could this be the end?
Is it that moment when, I find the one that I'll spend forever with

Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me like that
Cause nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

You can't give up, (when you're looking for) a diamond in the rough (cause you never know)When it shows up, (make sure you're holding on)
Cause it could be the one, the one you're waiting on
Cause nobody wants to be the last one there
And everyone wants to feel like someone cares
Someone to love with my life in their hands
There's gotta be somebody for me, oh

Nobody wants to go it on their own
And everyone wants to know they're not alone
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there
Nobody wants to be the last one there
Cause everyone wants to feel like someone cares
There's somebody else that feels the same somewhere
There's gotta be somebody for me out there

PS. I already found someone to spend forever with =)

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Saturday, March 21, 2009 8:36 AM
19th March 2009

On the 19th March 2009, my boyfriend invited me to a BBQ party at his friend's house.
Before that, something happened to me & my parents. I was really really desperate to get out from my house immediately because I can hardly stand everything that had happened. =( Tahan punya tahan, last2 I cried when I was in his car by the time he picked me up from my house. I can see, he was like takut kan melihat aku nangis. He even tried to wipe my tears which was really sweet =D Thank god, he was there when I was in need of someone & he even tried to cheer me up =) Thank you, my love... I always love you! <3

Okay, enough said. Back to the BBQ thingy, it was held at Nana's house & all the Platoons were there. Honestly, I was nervous & freaked out masa awal atu. That was because it was the first time zime brought me to his friend's party kann. Anyhoo, last2 I was okay. He was there beside me and his girl-friends were really nice =)) The party was fun, they karaoked & food pun ada (Duh~) Haha. Unfortunately, I had to go home early and miss all the fun. Mun akhir balik karang, ada lagi ornag ngamuk -__-" I wished I could stay long because I want to cherish our last moment together before he go to KK this Saturday which is today. Plus, I want to get to know his friends kann.. Tapi nada chance langsung. sigh.

Speaking of him going to KK, he already went tadi subuh. I am a bit emo ne staring yesterday sudah. I was such a cry baby. HAHA. He will only be there for 3~4 days, sudah tia ku emusii cemani. Haiyaa~ That's because, I think of him almos every second in my life and living with him nun jauh disana makes me a lil bit sedih. HAHA. Jiwang! He's there, I'm here.. Sedih yoo.. I hope for this 3 to 4 days, i'll find something to occupy my time and will amke me stop thinkug bout him. It's not that i don't wanna think bout him eh. I just don't want to end up missing him very very much wa, krg aku yg nangis2 lagi. Tau tah dah aku ne emusii. =D But right now, I do miss him plang. =( Oh well, it's only for 3 to 4 days, Deena uii..

Before I end this post, I would like to say this blog will be dormant for a while till I have the time to update. I can seriously feel I'll be busy starting tomorrow.
Until the, goodbye & assalamualaikum everibodih.

Me & him at the party.

I miss you, hby.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009 8:39 AM
New updates

Dear bloggie, it has been such a long long time I did't update my blog.
so, here I am trying to update you...
  • 10th March, I went with Fifah, Yanee, Ayen, Moysh, Jidun & Aziz for job hunt. & that was the first time kami bnar2 hunt for jobs. Slalunya we turned out nda tcari any vacancy or should I say, CV langsung inda di bgi2 & last2 mall jua destination kami. hehe. So,yeah.. Banyak laa kami apply. Especially si Ayen. HAHA. I only applied arah Coffeebean, Shop at Sarah, Au Lait Cafe & Mubarak.
  • 12th March, Fifah & I went to pick our salary at IM Graphics with the help of Jidun. After atu, trus kami shopping mcm org kluar gaji sribu. Kan, Fah? haha. Anyhoo, I officially declare myself broke pasal habis sudah gaji ku ah. Seriously, I can spend money in a day saja =D Oh oh btw, aku inda jadi ambil undang2 bcos salary ku atu inda cukup kan. Sigh!
  • 13th March, the boss from Coffeebean texted me up saying I got the job and they want me to come on Monday. Unfortunately, I rejected the job due to... Malas ku~ -__-" hehe
  • 14th March, I went out with my beloved boyfriend, Azime. I had lots of fun with him on that night eventho' in the end I got scolded by my parents. Haha. I love love love my boyfriend soo much =))
  • 15th March, the manager of Shop at Sarah called & ask me to come for an interview the next day at 2pm.
  • 16th March. In the morning, Mubarak called me for an interview on that day at 3pm. My dad wasn't able to hantar and ambil aku, so I ask for help from Awg Jidun. Thanks, Jidun. i owe you. Anyhoo, the interview at Shop at Sarah went well and they want me to come the next day to work from 5.30pm till 9.30pm. So I said YES! hee. By 3pm, I arrived at Mubarak tapinya.. hesh~ The worker di sana was really.... Idk how to describe it. Yang pentingnya, cara layanan dorang rah costumer inda ku suka. huhu~ && I didn't get interviewed bcos dorang ckap tunggu kna call lagi. macam.... *%$#*@& Mental ju ku trus tuu.. Ngaleh2 saja kesana but inda tia jadi. Main2kan orang jua tu. =( At night, I got in a serious fight with him =(( due to this mistake that I made. I'm so sorry, love....
  • 17th March, again with the help of Jidun, Fifah & me went for an interview at Au Lait Cafe. The boss was really baik & understanding. so, I decided that I want to work there instead of Shop at Sarah. Therefore, I called up Shop at Sarah to inform them that I'm not coming to work which means I reject la tuu dorang bagi aku chance to work there. Plus2, maybe... Me and Fifah start to work di au Lait Cafe staring next week. so, visit us there people =D

Soo, I guess that's all for now. Goodbye & Assalamualaikum.

PS. I miss you, boyfriend.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009 8:45 AM
Work at bookfair 2009

Hello Everibodih! =D
I know, I left this blog of mine for almost a week sudah. I miss blogging so much! =))
So, yeah.. Bookfair habis sudah, so as my job di sana. I really had fun working walaupun it was really tiring and macam nada life usulnya working everyday.
Anyway, I learnt lots, I met many different people with different attitude, I got international friends && made a lot of money! HAHA.
Overall, it was seuk. Fifah was there too with me so tambah lah kesiukannya. hehe. Plus si boyfriend dropped by at times. So, I guess that completes everything =))

Okay, that's it. Assalamualaikum people =))

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

Blog Counters,

To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.