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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 8:17 PM

Hi everybody...
Finally I got a chance to surf the net && update my blog. =))
It's nearly the end of May and as I said in my last blog, things will get even stressy in the middle of May was true. I've been through ups and downs for the past few weeks. Thanks to Fifah, who were there listening to my 'luahan hati' & all my complaints. Thanks soo much, Fah. Seriously if you were not there, I'll definitely be dead or gave up arah semua problems ku atu or maybe sakit kali dah jiwa ku simpan everything to myself. Hehe. Thank you, my bestfriend!

To Piunks, Chicas & everyone...
FYI, I permed my hair already. I look really funny and makin fatter usulnya. I feel a bit regret lah pasal changing my hairstyle but at tthe same time I feel good for menyampaikan hajat ku yang btah dah kan mau perm aa.. Anyway, when you guys see me... Please don't laugh or what so ever because you know kan yang I'm a bit sensitive and I have a low self esteem. Kesian deh aku ah... *sniff2* HAHA.

And another thing to update you guys is I'll still be working till the end of June or maybe pertengahan July if I still have the urge to take risk working di tempat yang ku krja msane. Huhu. Fifah will be leaving me this 31st May with the people yang suka buli ah. I wonder if I can survive working with them and serving the fussy costumers and and coping up with the pressure when Mr. B is there. =S Fah, jangantah beranti kraja waaa.. Haha.. I can't imagine me being there nanti kna buli saja ah. huhu.

Oh I guess ane saja ku update dulu. I'm so tired. I'll post some pictures nanti. Just wait. Hee~
Goodbye, people!
Assalamualaikum.... =))

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Monday, May 4, 2009 6:44 PM
Here I am...

Hello people.
It has been such a long time sudah I didn't update my blog. More than a month sudah nda ber update. Hee. Know why?
Because I'm working on a job since last March.

It's May already and things are getting pretty 'stressy' due to the problems I'm having right now. Macam everyday wa ada2 saja kan ku fikirkan and I am totally stressed. Knapakah ya May ane mcm the stressing month saja. I know it's going to be more 'stressy' by the half month of May. =S

okay, enough about the stress part. Mkin emusi ku krg lagi. Anyhoo, I got invited for the academic awards thingy at PTEM on 9th May 09. I'm looking forward to see you chicas di sana. Inda plang semua chicas di sana tuu but still, ada la.. Haha. Apakann.

I think that's enough for now. I'll update lagi nanti when I'm not busy. Goodbye. Assalamualaikum.

P.S. Hby, happy monthsary. I always love you. Hugs & kisses!

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

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To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.