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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Friday, June 12, 2009 12:40 PM
I'm trying to hang on.

Hey hey you all.
Oh god,i'm so missing updating my blog ane. Hehe. I'm getting busier masane sampai I don't have the time for myself. I'm trying to bagi2 masa n to be fair with everyone. Tapi mcm,everything is fixed up sudah and I can only spare my time for this someone whom I'm in love with. Yatah, i'm very sorry to the chicas pasal... Ntah laa. Seriously masa kamu jalan ri tu, I was really mad pasal kamu nada gtau2 pun yang kamu bnar2 jadi bjln. I felt so neglected bah. You guys were having fun without me. && tym atu lagi aku down pasal... Only fifah tau ne napa ku down saja ah.. So, you guys. I'm very sorry for being selfish. =(( At this time, I really really need you guys ah. I'm dealing with this kind of thing & aku nda tau what i should do... I'm not okay at the moment fyi. I feel like I'm back again mcm yg dulu2 yg arah darkside ah. Haha. Apakan. Nda plang ku faham tu bnrnya. xD All I'm saying is I feel like I'm alone and it really hurts to keep things to myself ah. Aku lagi kraja at a place where there's no one i can trust n share anything apa. Mana nda aku makin emo. Huhu. Know what? I can see where 'it' is leading. So i hope when 'it' does happen, please be there as I'm not strong enough to face 'it'...

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009 7:38 PM

Hello you~
Soo here's the photos I've been promising to post. =))

That's it! Until then, goodbye people!!

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

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To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.