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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Friday, January 29, 2010 12:10 PM
Mistakes and everything.


The online booking is done. So done that I didn't realize I made a really BIG and CARELESS mistake. I freaked out terribly sampai semua org kan ku message. Haha. I texted Fifah but she was in Miri and Yanee pun macam busy jua. She told me to call the Air Asia call centre. I did but nada yg answered. so macam shoot eh.

I planned giving up kan bayar saja for this mistake apa since it was my fault and you you you people have the right to marah kan aku eventho' aku inda encourage you you you people to marahkan aku sal aku seriously feel guilty... I cried brabis apa. Haha. banar. My parents were not helping me thus the situation grew even more dramatic and I felt like it was the end of the world. Lol!

I texted si Jidun jua eventho' he is not involved in this thing but ntah eh. I need someone at that time. Azime was working so texting him won't do anything better. =( I texted him plang. Haha. I know nothing will happen by texting him but still I need him bah jua. :D So, anyway... Jidun replied my text awal2 tu saja then hilang tia. Shessh! Back to square one, nobody is helping me through this and the situation even got worst. I think! =D

Anyway, I told my Wingman, Syazwan bout this. Sekali he said he will help me and we planned to go to the airport to make amendments apa. A few minutes later, I tried to call Air Asia again then finally, for god sake a lady answered my phone call. Woohoo!! And thank god, the mistake which I made was not such a big deal. It is okay according to what the lady who answered my phone call. But still, aku kan ke airport kan buat amendments. Si Syazwan cakap his name is not Mohd in his passport. It is Muhammad. =____=" So mesti buat correction ne. Like he said 'I'm not going to the airport with holiday spirits then suddenly the airport police tahan aku' HAHA. Well, I don't want that to happen to all of us yang jadi ke KK ane. So karang I'm going to Lot 122, 2nd floor, Mezzanine level of Terminal Complex, Brunei International Airport with Syazwan ne krg. Hopefully things will be okay. Kalau inda, aku emo lagi mcm tdi. haha.

Bah, I'm off from here. will update lagi with the KK thingy and the rest. Toodles!

p/s: I've grown to love updating this blog. kau ne punya pasal, Syazwan =____=" Haha

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Monday, January 25, 2010 10:43 PM
as the days passed by...

Things are getting more tense so far and honestly I am not dealing it so well. My head is so compact with other stuff to settle dulu but then datang lagi the other things which should not appear at this moment.

Actually I am refering to KK trip plang ne. HAHA. Labih2 aku ane exaggerating. =)

Banarnya, the whole KK idea is a bad idea and at the same time a brilliant idea too. I said it is a bad idea because I'm not ready yet organizing it. I know Yanee and Fifah are helping the plan to come true jua but it's a big thing to me tia ah. Napakan aku ane? Dulu bukan main iski kan keKK. But now, aku mcm having all the headaches. Rupanya ke KK needs alot of money... HAHA. Bimbo much again! And yeah. money plus good plans lah dimana kan stay and where to go. Actually pasal money bah ne aku stress ah. haha.

Due to this one small thing, I tend to freaked out sudah. WTH! xD I wish banar ada duit gugur dari langit ne. hehe. that's what I keep saying to people. To people who know me that much, sanak kali sudah mendgr. haha.

Anyhoo, thanks to Yanee, Fifah and Azime for being there. yakah? inda bah. Thanks to you three sal I was half mental apa, and you guys helped me out. && my probs with the 'keliling pinggang' tu, please keep it to yourselves saja. Haha. Aku mental2 pun, you guys masih jua layan aku ah? =) You guys are the best. I really love you.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010 2:48 PM
I need to settle down.

Thanks to M.I.B, Maths and the plan to KK because they gave me a hell lot of stress and thinkings lately.

Awuu, aku stress banarnya. Hehe.

M.I.B atu banar2 payah ahh. =S Like seriously payah. I hate the so-called pembentangan because I don't have the idea what to look for in the first place. Yesterday we were having this 1st pembentangan and it was... Haha. Pressure ku tarus. Mr. Muscle man handled the presentation really 'serious' macam cikgu saja and aku imagine tarus how am I gonna present cematu since I'm not good in presentation apa. Huhu. I want to do the pembentangan awal2 eh. I want to end up the stress part where I need to research brabisly and sediakan speech AND present infront of all those people... BUT the problem is aku inda tahu apa kan diresearch. Haha. Bimbo much. or should I say I am terribly clueless in this M.I.B part. x(

About Maths, inda plang ada papa. aku saja include kan. haha. I love maths! Tapi aku lambat kan catch the topic ganya. I am a very slow learner yatah cali eh. Haha. Sudah tah bimbo. a slow learner g. Is there anything which I am good at kah??? Pfft!

And the KK thingy. There's a glitch in the plan eh. Hmm..
Yanee (maybe) and I are okay sudah apa with the ticket fare apa. But ada some people tend to have problems. I know it's too early to book and you guys don't have the money. Aku pun macam rushing apa and I am seriously demanding kan mau this booking-ticket-stuff to settle awal. The due date is this 31st Januaryyyyy. Cana kan settle awal if people tend to be cemani. =(

Aku inda pernah ke KK wahhhh. Napakan? haha. Desperate banar jua ku sudah ne. HAHA. I just don't care anymore. I want this trip to on so badly. Huhu. Bah. I guess I'm outta here.

P/S: I am sorry for saying words yang macam orang na sdar diri sudah. =S na sengaja. I just wanna let things out from this head of mine. So sorryy.

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Friday, January 22, 2010 7:33 PM
KK plans.

a very irresistible one!

KK Trip is so on!

Bah people, please let me know A.S.A.P who's going and who isn't okay??
Here's the name list yang confirm sudah kan ikut:

  • Me (totally must be there!)
  • Jimmy
  • Fifah
  • Yanee
  • Sham
  • Sham (no, I didn't double-type here. There will be 2 Shams joining us)
  • Hafiz
  • Hana
  • Nadheera
  • Syazwan (Ikut bnr kah kau ane? haha)
  • anyone? =))
oh by the way, it costs $30 for the flight tickets (includes the tax and the return ticket).

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010 8:57 PM
Sucky month. Lol.

I am feeling down right now...
I am pretty sure this January month seems a bit sucky to me and there will be no end to this feeling. sigh.

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Monday, January 18, 2010 9:31 PM

My aunt is a person who loves to go out and enjoy food everywhere. Her aim is to try out all the restaurants, cafes and any places that serves food in Brunei. So she planned going out with me, my sister and the cousins. We went to Wecan which is located behind SKH at Gadong. The prices for the food are soo reasonable. Like my cousin said " Berpatutan!" hehe. and the food is okay jua. Compare to Aulait, it is still my no 1 =D anyway, let the pics do the talking...

Bahh, I'm tired sudah. Ane saja ku upload. haha. I'm so lazy to upload everything. Yang pentingya, it was fun and I really want to go jalan jalan cari makan with the cousins again.

To the Piunks, we should do this nanti. or maybe dgn the geologists kah apa. hehe.
Till then, byee. =))

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010 6:49 PM
Plans for 2010.

Plans for 2010:
  1. Go to KK in July (****high priority. MUST DO!)
  2. Score a lot of Bs in semester 2
  3. Try to be fit
  4. Fix my Mazda
  5. Do assignments straight away balik rumah. Lol.
  6. Do foot spa at Skin Renew with the Piunks.
  7. Try out all the cafes and restaurants in Brunei. So, who's with me? xD
  8. will add up again if ada lagi plan. =))

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Saturday, January 9, 2010 2:35 PM
Blabbering. xD

Semester two is starting soon. Really soon. It will be on 11th January which is two more days left before I started to abandon this blog again. Haha. Just kidding. Well, I might leave this blog jua masa semester two atu when I am really busy lah. But will update stuff when I have free time. And by the way, to syazwan.. Don't worry I'll make your wish granted by not kacau-ing kau anymore. hahaha. I doubt that anyway. =D

Speaking of free time, I don't think I have jua. haha. pasalnya what I can see I'm going to UBD almost everyday, minus the nights and fridays and sundays lah. My classes will be in the morning and in the afternoon jua. So, kira macam a tight schedule lah. Sdg2 plg tu. Lol! xD

One thing I need to update here will be... My lappy is not okay masane. It's currently with someone yang pndai usai, Uncle Chua. xD And I'm not sure bila ia baik and when I'll get it back. I'm terribly missing my lappy. Hopefully Uncle Chua can fix it before 11th lah ah. =_____="

Tomorrow, there will be a gathering with the 'Geologists' at Aulait Cafe (YES!!) at 1.30pm. =D will update you with pics if i do take pics masa gathering atu. ok, byee. x))

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Friday, January 1, 2010 7:50 PM
Happy New Year 2010.

I know I have been neglecting you, bloggy. And I"m sorry for doing so. xD Haha.

Anyway, 2009 has passed already and it was really... Hmm, i can't find the word to describe it ah. all I know is, lots of bad stuff happened and good stuff to jua lah. x)

Let's recap what I did in 2009:

January- Worked at TA & Morgen's Distributors with Dynz, Hadi & Reney were really awesome. Even si Jesu pun awesome ne. HAHA. Seriously, they filled it with all those laughters and fun fun fun. I still remembered how Hadi, Dynz and me laughed so hard in Jesu's van masa mlm2 otw balik ke TA & Morgen's. It was awesome. Heesh. How many times have I said that word. Aku terinfluence sudah dgn HIMYM. xP hmm, things to add on under the January section will be Him & the AC Galanight. x) Him, the guy who has been stuck in my heart for almost the whole year of 2008 has back with me. =)) And about the AC Galanight was seuk brbis. The juniors made it fun tho'.

February- here was the time when the PTEB Prom night was held. Really enjoyed the night because he was there with me. Plus, Zaty pun ada jua. hehe. February too was the time when us the Piunks went volunteering for the RTB anugerah bla bla I don't remember the name eh. The important thing was I had met so many people out there and it was fun fun fun meeting them. x))

March- another job at the Book fair with Fifah and also founded a permanent job before going back to school at Aulait. I love the place, people and the food.Their carbonara tastes sooo good. Seriously! =D Yanee tried it and I think she is in love with it. hahaha. anyway, had a great time there with Mariah, Ka Nisa, Ka Rohaya, Ka Rina, Ka Widya, Ah wee, Alex, May, Andrew and the others too. Bnyak kan ku mention bah. haha && guess what, me and Fifah learnt how to eat chili padi from the aulait people. xD Plus, this is the month I stopped eating rice.

April- Disaster, i guess. I'm starting to feel tired working and i hate. eh salah i dislike the bosses. They are okay plg but I hate the pressureness when they were actually looking at us working. =D

May- change my hairstyles and got the awards for getting 260 tariff points. and oh, my hair sucks a lot. Seriously, I hate it and regret for changing it.

June- Fifah & Mariah left me at Aulait. Bored bored bored cause I feel mcm... sorg2. haha. apakan. Anyway, the others like Ka Rohaya treated me well. =)) June was also the month in which I got my driving license. Very cool! =D

July- quit working at Aulait, accepted by UBD and another disaster too. haha. majal ne disaster ku ah. =D

August- start the 1st semester with the Geologists. They are awesome. Especially Syazwan, Fizah and Hana. =))

September- things started to be unorganized. busy busy busy.

October- BUSY everyday!

November- the exams and I can't wait for holidays. I screwed up all the papers anyway. Lol!

December- this month sucks. hehe. bnrtah. I tend to feel unhappy, down, emo and everything. I definitely can't wait for Januaryyy.. Butttt... there's a but. January 2010 seems to be not that I expected. haha. Biar lah. I know what to do to this January. Study, get A's and stop being down. Plus, get the heartache away. =)

Soo, people. I guess that's all I can recap for 2009.I really can't remember all but I do keep important things in my head and heart apa. I'll cherish the memorable ones. =)

Happy New Year 2010, everyone.

P.S to him, i may not include you in the recaps but you made 2009 rocks and I love you.

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

Blog Counters,

To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.