Monday, March 8, 2010 6:57 PM
My 2nd Semester break.
♥This 2nd semester break is the best one for me. I did things I never tried before and definitely can show off to my family and friends bout this. I joined the adventure club kayak-ing and abseiling on the 2nd & 3rd March 2010. We went to this island called Pelumpong by kayak and the distance was 10.2 km (But I felt it was more than that pasal macam batah kan sampai ah =____="). I tend to love kayak despite all the sunburnts I got. If you see me and you realize I look like a 'Khan' then you better shut up. HAHA. Yes, aku really sunburnt and I hate it. Tapi I never regret joining the kayak session. I just regretted for not wearing a long sleeve shirt and a hat. Here are some of the pictures taken during the two awesome days (sikit saja jgnth bnyak2) . :)