Thursday, April 22, 2010 8:43 AM
Earth Day 2010♥
♥Since it's Earth day today, here's a photo for today dedicated for Earth Day 2010.
 As you know we are cutting more and more trees each day for our own benefits like for producing papers, for making cups and a lot more of things made from the parts of the trees. Since trees are important for taking back carbon dioxode in the evening, less trees means the amount of Carbon dioxide being uses by trees are getting less which will make more carbon dioxide to stay in the atmosphere. This will lead to the increase of temperature of our climate. Esuk lusa ada tia the rise of sea level due to melting of icebergs. Haha. Nada wah, But but it can perhaps happen kan? =))
Oh yeah, we also adding more air pollutions due to the increase of car usages. The number of cars in Brunei is increasing. This means that more unwanted gases will be produced and can harm humans and the environment.
What I am trying to say here is that we need to stop doing this. I mean all the habits of wasting papers and the ignorance of the environment. You should stop it! :D
People, see this webpage. I find it interesting. :))
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:32 PM
A story for today.
♥ Today, I learned a new word! It's PREACHING. =D I know for some of you people, it is just a simple word which you encounter almost everyday or perhaps a word you use almost everyday. For someone like me who are not that really good in English, I'm not ashame to say that my English language is horrible! I don't even know what adverbs and nouns are. From here, obviously I'm not good in English. Poor me. Tsk! I definitely need some help to improvise my English...... =_____="
Anyway, what I learned from today is we the undergraduates are the top 2% who are lucky because as you know, some people are not that lucky to get accepted to go to UBD or maybe ITB. This was what the UBD's VC said during the motivational talk tadi. =) && I just knew that motivations are like balloons which you blew it and tied it up and you hang it or whatever to it and let it be like that for a few days. And when you come back to the balloons, they are starting to be smaller than they were before and after a few more days, the balloons shrink berabis2. Therefore, motivations are like that. We will have a big super semangat spirit masani and after a few days later, the motivations and all those high spirits started to diminish. Rugged ah? Hehe.
I guess that's all what I want to share with you guys at the moment. Boring huh? Boring-boring pun kamu baca jua sampai habis ah. =)
Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:46 PM
Picture of the day.
♥Dear readers,I'm sorry for all the weirdo emo posts. Just ignore the earlier posts as I don't want you to think that I really mean it. =) so here's today's picture....

I want to stop being in the darkness and I'm trying to paint my world into a colourful one and stop being in the world of black-ness. Maybe loving black influence your emotions? I don't know. All I know is, I need to stop being this way. So anyway, be happy everyone. Don't let the negative part of your life influences or stops you.
Crap eh all my sayings ah. Haha. Okay, I'm off from here.
To Izyan and Azime, thank you. You know why. =) && Amal & Fiizah jua, thank you for your hugs tadi. I really need that. Thank you.
6:23 PM
Life is....
♥I feel life is... pretty empty at the moment..
and I'm living in sorrow. sigh. P.S. Yes, I'm emo here. How I wish I could live a problem-free life. =)
Monday, April 19, 2010 6:39 PM
For all of you. With HATE, Deena.
♥ Yes, this post is specially made for you guys.No, I don't care if you guys hate me after this or not. All I care is I really hate my life right now and that definitely includes you! When I was in real state of hopeless, you guys were never there to support me. Yes, dear family. You were never there for me. And yeah, dear friends. You were never there for me too!!!
so here's a post for you guys. Thank you so much for making things even worser. I finally knows that life is unfair and there is no one who I can rely on. sorry to say this. I have lost my trust on you guys! so, whatever!!!!
Saturday, April 17, 2010 4:05 PM
Twitter Temptation
♥ Okay, so I have this temptation to have a twitter account. I don't know why. But maybe it is because of almost all my friends are having it and I'm not. or maybe because they have it and they make it private so I can't view their updates therefore making me curious to know what their updates are. Or perhaps, I'm just curious what twitter is really like. Or perhaps, I feel updating status are a lot of fun. Or maybe... eh berapa banyak maybe lah ah. Haha.
so yeah, Twitter! I wanna have an account but I have to ask my baby first. I once asked him before and he said "NO!". =S
What do you guys think. should I have it or not? Manatau it is just a waste of time. Hehe. kan kan kan?
Friday, April 16, 2010 5:26 PM
Rock songs rock my life!
I'm so loving this photo. - - - - - -

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 7:15 PM
Picture of the day.
♥Some restaurants and cafes tend to have this 'soup of the day' everyday. And I figured out that I should posted like picture of the day in my blog since I think it's cute to do so and it's another way to keep me updating this blog of mine. If I started to stop posting pictures in my blog then I might be busy and will start posting when I have the free time. Thank you! :)
Anyway, I love my boyfriend. He did a very small thing but it was the sweetest thing he ever did to me since lama sudah. Hehe.
So, here's the picture of the day. Taddaaa!
- - - - - - - -
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 6:49 PM
10 cool facts about me in March & April
♥I know, I've been away neglecting these blog. I'm so sorry for that. Exams are coming soon and I only have a week or two to revise all my courses back. So anyway, here's some COOL facts about me. Inda plg cool ni. HAHA.
1) I did my two presentations already and I finally feel all the tortures habis sudah. And I'm FREE! But not that really free lah because exams are round the corner sudah. Hehe.
2) I'm broke. Really broke. Kalah my broke-ness during last February ah. I can't have my lunch at UBD now, can't buy the things that I want. Even food that I want I can't even afford. So yeah, now I can be categorized as a broke girl. I'm not proud of that, hehs!
3) My car broke down. :( I can't drive anymore. I miss driving ah.... Like seriously missing it. :( I can't go jogging, can't go anywhere lah pokoknya. And and, I have to come to UBD everyday at 7.15 am due to carpool-ing with my mum. Sigh. 4) I'm addicted to REDBULL. Thanks to Fifah for introducing it to me. Now I can't resist drinking it and every week, I must buy a pack of redbulls sungguhpun aku broke masani. I just can't live without it. 5) I still haven't eat rice yet since... you know. I wonder why my boyfriend can't even remember this one thing about me. He always forget that I don't eat rice anymore and somehow it frustrates me when he does not remember. I just don't want to tell him balik2 ah pasal I'm tired doing so balik2 to everyone. So everyone, yes. I don't eat rice. I'll stop this stupid thing if only my boyfriend come for me during his lunch time from his workplace and bring Nasi Katok with him. If that happen nanti, then yes I'll eat rice balik. :)
6) I always have this weird dream about nasi goreng. Hehe 7) I gain weight. &*$%^&@ 8) I started to be macam... over sensitive now. I hurt myself from this.
9) I online Skype almost everyday. 10) I found out my laptop's hardware are having problems. That is why it always switch off by itself and the screen freezes sometimes. I'll repair my lappy soon after I have my money and after I come back from KK. =)
Yours truly,

♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.
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