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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Sunday, May 30, 2010 1:52 PM
I'm back.

Okay, I've been away for too long. =/ Sorry for that. Things were getting tensed. pasal... I'm busy trying to find a better layout for my blog. HAHA. Really. I'm not lying. I know it's a bit sekadar. but yeah, I'm a bit choosy. =S

To make it up to you for being inactive for a while, I'm gonna tell you a story. =) A story of how I founded a job! What up! :D Sekadar aku ah. Hehe. Yes, I'm working now as a... Should I tell you? no no no. Can't tell you. It's supposed to be confidential. =S Erghh, screw the rules. I'm now working as a Research assistant for ZD Consultant. The aim of the job is to find people who are in need of help dari segi financial aspects and to reduce the amount of poverty in Brunei. Iatah kami kan bagi semua org Brunei kereta Mercedes and duit $1 Million ni. HAHA. Nada wah. Lame banar jua joke ku atu. =____="

Know what? I'm getting lamer. Eh is there any word like that? 'lamer'.. Exist kah? Haha. Whatever lah. Yang pentingnya, yes... Aku semakin lame each day goes by. :P Enough about me being lame... Back to my story about me having the job.... Where was I? Hmm.. My friends work with me too and the job is pretty tiring. Eventho' it's tiring I tend to like it... Not because I desperately need money iatah aku cakap aku suka the job. It's because it's actually easier than working as a waitress or as a salesperson. People thought that working as a waitress is all about taking orders and send the food and drinks to the customer. Actually, it's more than that. It's not easy than you thought it would be. =/ My experience, as a waitress... Of course tiring (Kerja mana jua inda tiring ah...) due to standing the whole time, if the cook cooked something out of the customer's expectations you'll be blame as if it was your fault. Then, some costumers are bossy telling you this and that. Not only the costumers, the boss gives you a lot of pressure. In front of the boss, you have to be really well disciplined, know this and that, you have to master the orders of cuttleries, the serviettes... So many to mention.. If you don't believe, go ahead and try working as a waiter or waitress. =D

Again... What am I doing talking about waitress' jobs. =/

Research assistant huh? I'll be working till the end of June. Hope everything will go well and hopefully I'll get to collect some money for KK. I'm still broke now, y'know. Can't keep my money away from buying stuff. I'm really a monster.... haha. Bah, I'll post more nanti if I'm not busy. =) Goodbye everyone!

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Sunday, May 9, 2010 10:36 AM
Stress. :D

Okay, I'm feeling a bit stress right now. Not really a bit. I AM INFACT FEELING VERY VERY VERY STRESSSSSSSSSSS!!!

My 3 days straight with exams is round the corner. It's on Tuesday and followed by the next two days. I'm not ready for it as I have been busy wasting my time googling and downloading torrents and not forget to mention, I've been sleeping a lot yet I feel I'm lacking of sleep. Everytime I study, I tend to fall asleep and two to three hours later then I woke up and I realized I have wasted my precious hours to study stuff. Sudah ku bangun atu mana jua ku belajar. There were too many distractions and there's facebook.... Well some people feel facebook is not one of their distractions. For someone like me, it is! Once I login to it and finished checking all my notifications then I'll start to enter people's profile then masuk2 lagi arah profile of unknown people. Seriously, this is what you call a busybody person. HAHA. I'm not shame to admit it. Banartah. Yes awu. Aku busybody. So?

Anyway, I'm doing lots of craamming right now. Study cramming... Hopefully I'll not fall asleep again. Coffee doesn't help me anymore. I'm immune to the caffeines sudah so it won't affect me. Macam air sudah bagiku coffee ah. :S And and redbulls... Aku inda minum except when I really need it. When do I need it? During the exams. Eh salah. Before the exams when I want to feel hyper bnr2 so I won't be lazy to answer my exam papers. I'm a person who is very lazy, banartah. When it comes to answering the exam papers, aku macam malas awal2. Iatah aku relax saja menjawap. But when I drink redbulls, zap! Trus saja mmbuat. Haha. But it depends if aku bljr sudah kah inda. If I didn't revise anything, then minum redbull pun inda worth b'cause I know nothing to write on.

Okay, aku started to waste again my time typing here. I think I better go now. wish me luck! :D

Oh oh by the way, Here's a picture of the result of being in deeply stress. Goodbye!

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

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