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The ups & downs, randomness & more to drama.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 12:14 AM
This me at the moment.

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Saturday, August 28, 2010 10:26 PM

Hahaha. :D At least that slacken off the annoyance.

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10:25 PM

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10:04 PM

Ya Allah,
kenapa semakin hari aku semakin sasak arah orang ani. =______________=
I feel like wanting to choke this person so bad everytime ia do something not logically acceptable by me. Hoho. I can't control my anger this time pasal entah. Ia macam makin jadi2. This person is likeable, adorable to everyone but to me..... This person is like @#$$#^%^&#@%&^$ HAHA. I know aku jahat... Jahat banar to sasak someone who is likeable or adorable or patut ku cakap in Malay yang ia ni inda pernah kana sasak pasal ia baik and manis sangat. Apakan... Anyway.... Aku banar2 sasak saja time ani. Regretting after posting this is useless so... Aku inda regret kali. :D

Wow, I'm such a mean girl right now. =/ I don't hate people but I just feel easily annoyed at certain times by certain people. Okay, thank you. Hehehe.

To Fifah and Yanee. Don't worry, this post has nothing to do with you two. :))

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:29 PM

Seriously loving this! Soon. you'll be mine baby!!!!! :D

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:28 AM
3 of them

P.S. I love the three of them. :))

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10:26 AM

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Monday, August 23, 2010 10:53 PM

New plan for the future!

A makeover for my room. =D

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Saturday, August 21, 2010 11:02 PM
Cute. :)

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10:54 PM
I'm addicted to.....

the 'Pretty Little Liars'! :D
Thanks to Yanee for introducing this series to me. I have finished watching it till its episode 10 the season finale (Season part I) and I just can't wait for its continuation..... Batah plg lgi tu. I guess we'll have to wait till January next year for part II. =|

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Friday, August 20, 2010 8:17 PM

Happy belated 20th birthday to me.
I'm a grown up now and can still be called as a young adult.
I have lived for 20 years now and it seems like there are too many rough moments I went through.
I wished for only one thing but it seems like it would never occur to me. It's funny how things should be wonderful to me on my birthday but it was not. There will always be some people who want me to die in sorrow and some are pretending feeling happy for me but the real truth is these people are killing me silently. :)

August do sucks! ALOT!

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7:46 PM

....... August really sucks. In fact, all of the months of this year totally sucks. =|

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Sunday, August 15, 2010 11:41 PM

Another few minutes then it will be the 16th of August. I should be jumping here and there feeling excited about it but why... Why am I feeling this way? Why oh why?

You have let me down, boy. Really down & I don't know how you managed to do that to me... but it's really awful.

Sakit yo.

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9:47 PM
Feeling gray, not blue.

Please come back home....

HAHA. Now, that's random. I just hate waiting. Can I just end it now or skip it for a day? =|

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Saturday, August 14, 2010 11:15 PM
No like

This is really frustrating...

I really don't like this feeling. :(

I hate sharing. Seriously!!!

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9:27 PM
In the air

Maybe I should get a tumblr account again because 70% of my blog is full with pictures and the rest is crappy words =____="

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9:13 PM
Cute monster

Ohhh, so cuteee!! :D

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Friday, August 13, 2010 10:47 PM
Self reminder

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Thursday, August 12, 2010 7:23 PM
Things I dream of having it someday :)

Dear diary,
my allowances are not out yet. Pffft! What is wrong with BIBD nowadays, heh? I'm really broke. I need moneyh, I need $$$. Haha. I do looked like a desperate person now but yeah, I am truly desperate.

I don't plan on buying things but I have planned for something. =| And obviously, the whole plan I planned is delayed much by the delayed allowances. Boring ehh. :(

Anyway... Just a random post. I'm bored actually this afternoon so I googled on somethings that I pretty much adore and would like to have someday. InsyaAllah dengan izin Allah, if ada rezeki and if nada halangan. Hehe.

1. An external hard disk. Not just an ordinary hard disk, I want it black, rugged, printed with abstracts on it or maybe checkers or polka dots with 500GB memory which is waterproof and shockproof. Plus, an anti-scratches one.

2. An Apple Ipod Touch. It doesn't matter to me if it's 32GB or 16GB or 8GB as long as I have one. I'm in a plan of buying this one soon so I can skype with Fifah or Yanee. :) Fifah told me that we have Itouch we can free-call someone with a skype. Ofcourse, we need wireless for that to happen too. Anyway, how cool is that? Cool banar ah. :D I really wanna have one lah nanti. Fifah, soon ah? Soon... :))

3. The most awesome phone that has captured my heart, Nokia N8. Apakan... Lame banar. Haha. This phone is really cool too like Ipod Touch. It has WIFI connection, bluetooth, a 12 megapixel camera and... it's HOT! InsyaAllah if ada rezeki jua from Allah, I would like to own one especially the black one. If that really happens then I'll not change my phone again sampai aku balik from Aberdeen and having this phone will truly make me satisfied. Haha. N8 is not out yet in Brunei but I'm pretty sure that it would be sell more than $1k. =| I know, expensive right? But like I said, insyaAllah if ada rezeki.... :)

5. Presenting Honda CR-Z Hybrid. Lawa ah? Totally expensive.... This will just be a dream for the time being. Let's wait til I become a rich lady then I would buy one of this car. Haha. Ketinggalan zaman kali sudah by that time. Hopefully I'll graduate with a first class degree and given a pretty high salary by the company that I would be working for someday. :P Amin!!!!!

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010 7:25 PM
Thailand on Monday

Thailand! Here I come!!!! :D 5 more days. Soon soon soon. WHEEEE!!!!!!

The truth is....

And I'm really sorry for that. =|

P.S. Try to decode the codes. :P

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7:11 PM
Happy Ramadhan

Selamat menyambut bulan Ramadhan kepada semua kaum muslim. :)

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10:49 AM
Dear love,

For you, my love.

and I'll always love you. :)

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010 11:25 PM


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10:26 PM
Losing it

My geology course has made me into CLUELESS more or less like the picture above. Everytime it's geology lecture or practical, I can't understand any single thing my lecturer explained in the front. It's either he is explaining things too fast or I'm too blonde to digest the topic. Anyhoo, his handwriting..... My gawd! You should see how my notebook has turned into something with scribbles and question marks in it because I tend to scribble, leave blank and the latest habit is I put question marks for the words he wrote on the whiteboard. I wonder if I can survive this semester and the next semester. Geology department of UBD now is really a DISASTER and kesian loh the geology students. =|

I really want a B for my result this semester and no way I can score a B if I keep on not understand what my lecturer is saying. Geology also has become a boring course now. Maybe it was because my lecturer made it boring and even made me lost interest with geology. There was this one day when he said so many sarcasms and I think I hate it. =_____=" That was what make me not like him. I miss Mr Ali Tekbali, my former geology lecturer. =( I freaking NEED him. He is such a nice decent man who is now away for a few months due to health problems. =| Please please, get well soon. Eh, not soon. Make it A.S.A.P. I just don't stand being a clueless student..... I know as a student, I should approach my lecturer and ask him to explain it again but know what? Doing so is so useless as he said something already during the practical time which increased the interest-loss in Geology. =| Furthermore, if he had to explain things again and again to me, I don't think I'll be able to understand jua. He is just soooo..... HAHA. Malas ku cakap.. All I can say is I have lost interest in Geology and I wished to drop the course, mahn!

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Sunday, August 8, 2010 9:21 PM
Furious me

One good moral of the day for myself is........

"Never respect an adult who cuts the line"

or to rephrase that

"Never respect someone who rudely cuts in somewhere in the middle of a queue for the ATM machine especially when you were the first one to be there waiting under the hot sun for a long time"

HAHA. Iyeap, I'm still furious about that situation in the afternoon at Giant. =] I don't give a damn, woman!

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9:25 AM
the one who offends and the one with offended feelings


The meaning:
1. To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in.
2. To be displeasing or disagreeable to.

That definition number one simply connects with what you are good at, dear friend.


The meaning:
1. hurt or upset

So true! :))

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Friday, August 6, 2010 7:32 PM
Some interesting photos

Toy Story 3. I love the cartoon so much and I even cried at the end of the story. :( anyway, that 8 ball in that picture is cute. I wanna have one nanti. :D

I kinda like that red telephone booth ah. I wonder why... =/


Music = Life. No Music = No life = Die. Haha. Anyway, music does help me escape from reality and that's why I can't live without it.

For him, my boyfriend<3>

For Izzati, Afifah ,Yanee & Syazwan. I love the four of you always. :)) No you guys = Die also. Haha. Apakan.

Why does balloons stand for freedom or happiness or letting go of something to make us feel happy? That's what I usually see everytime I look at a picture with balloons in it.

Fact #1 : So true. I did that when I admire someone. :D
Fact #2: No way! I will never fall in love with a gay... =____="
Fact #3: Used to be like that but not anymore.
Fact #4: I agree.
Fact #5: sdg~ :D

Males and females tend to have different assumptions everytime.

Haha. So true... :D

Do you people agree with the above photo? Well, I do. :D

10 more days. Wheeee!! Make sure you got it right because I tend to ignore any belated greets or anything from anyone. :D && Dear Fifah, thanks for reminding me that I have 10 more days. At least you made me happy today walaupun sekadar msg atu. :))) Thanks, bestfriend<3

A very cheap and non polluting BMW. :P

What I wanna be someday. :)

Haha. Very funny. :D

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Yours truly,

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♥ also known as Deena.
♥ Bruneian.
♥ Trying to be a better person but fails everyday.
♥ Owns a fucked up life.

Blog Counters,

To whom it may concern, thanks for the memories.